I had my notifications turned off when I arrived at the Century Club our Writers’ Gym session last Friday night. So – while I introduced the writing warm-up, followed by creative exercises for clarifying ideas and engaging in curiosity that builds creative confidence for life and art – I didn’t see any of what was happening at the White House.
Instead, I was hearing from lovely, kind, talented people from all industries who want to do more of they we love. All shared different versions of one shared obstacle:
We want to feel confident enough, sure enough, before…
…we send that pitch.
…we apply for that job.
…we draft that story.
In life, in work and in art, we each find ways to distract ourselves from action in the same way:
“I’ll do it when I feel ready.”
If there’s one thing the world’s stage showed us on Friday, it’s the lack of correlation between being confident and being right. The problem is, as with anything important, giving up can sometimes feel like the closest thing to control. Despair and anger can feel like the closest thing to action.
But action isn’t giving up. It’s abandoning the perfect and moving forward in authenticity, one step at a time. It’s not stopping yourself for fear the world will.
So here’s a reminder of what we can all do this week, and why The Best Writing Advice Is Never About Writing but about everything:
Say The Thing. It might be throwing that first draft onto the page, so you can edit it later. It might be reaching out to a person who can help you move forward, asking for the specific feedback or advice or whatever it is you need. It might be offering something you can give. When we stop waiting for the world to be psychic and share our authentic offering, when we step our of expert mindset and engage in a spirit of curiosity, we learn something (in each conversation, and on our own blank page) that makes our world bigger and better.
There May Be Seven Basic Plots But There Are Infinite Original Voices. It doesn’t need to be the world’s most original idea. It just needs to be sharing our truth, in our own voice. As clearly as we can. If it’s in our head, our job is to get it out of our head and into the world.
Aim to Be Interested, Not Interesting. Sometimes, new writing coaching clients are surprised that my suggestion is conversation first, sharing material second. But the truth is the conversation we have gets that client in a clearer, stronger relationship with what they want to say. Then they say it clearer and better and the feedback they then get later down the line goes much, much further.
The first step? Keep listening to yourself. Not to criticise, not to compare, but to clarify. We have the right to our voices.
Aim to be interested, not interesting – First Draft Commandments, Your Creative Writing Toolkit

Writing Feedback: How to Give It, How to Take It
Friday lunchtime, online
Come and Write This Week…
(If you’re not in the UK, find your timezone here.)
The Writing Room | 11am-1pm Monday 3 March
Free for everyone on my mailing list (if you’re reading this, that’s you!). No expectations, no readings, just an open chat box and ten minutes’ (totally optional) chat together at the end. Click here.
Writing Audio Drama: From Page to Production | 1-2.30pm Tuesday 4 March
Audio drama has enjoyed a huge growth in popularity over the last few years. Major players are commissioning their own original dramas and there’s never been a better time to create your audio play. With producer and independent supplier to the BBC Chris Gregory, develop the skills to write your drama and the confidence to pitch it. Click here.
Monthly Writing Workout | 6-7pm Tuesday 4 March
Take your word-count for a workout at the Writers’ Gym. Creative exercises, supportive discussion, specific tips and techniques for the writer you are. A guaranteed boost to your knowledge, enthusiasm, confidence and your word-count! Free for members: type your discount code where indicated. Click here.
Writing Room EXTRA | 3-5pm Thursday 6 March
Members only: please check Voxer messages.
Coffee & Creativity at Olympic Studios, Barnes | 10-11.30am Friday 7 March
Grow your connections, build motivation and unlock inspiration in this creative networking event with a difference. Dr Rachel’s gently powerful facilitation provides a space to turn curiosity into creativity, wherever you are in your writing journey. Click here.
Friday Feedback and Writing Workout | 12-1.30pm Friday 7 March
Adding to our programme of regular workouts at the Writers’ Gym, this friendly group workshop is the perfect place to hone your writing – and the feedback you receive. We’ll begin with a creative writing warm-up, followed by a writing exercise with tips and techniques on giving and taking feedback on creative work. After this, volunteers will share their work with the group. Click here.
The Writers’ Gym is part of Rachel Knightley Coaching: creative confidence for life, work and art. www.rachelknightley.com
You don’t have to be a member to join a Writers’ Gym session: just come along. But if you’d like to access our weekly programme for free, and receive 30% off all our other events, ask about membership at thewritersgym@rachelknightley.com.