Today’s episode and writing workout feature the art and life of Prano Bailey-Bond. Prano is an award-winning filmmaker and screenwriter who grew up on a diet of Twin Peaks in the depths of a strange Welsh community. Her work invokes imaginative worlds, fusing a dark vocabulary with eerie allure, revealing how beauty resides in strange places. Prano shares with Dr Rachel Knightley her early influences, creative fuel and sources of confidence and how directing her debut feature was when she reengaged with being a writer.
For a writing workout based on Prano’s interview with Rachel, scroll down or visit WritersGym.com to download every Writing Workout in the series.
Find out more about Prano at https://www.pranobaileybond.com/about
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Writing Workout based on Prano’s interview
Warm-up: The Drive
“It was a filmmaker who said… some filmmakers are driven by wanting to tell the world something that they think, and some are driven by wanting to understand something that they don’t understand. And I think I’m probably the latter.” Prano Bailey-Bond
Take a blank sheet of paper and choose one of these questions:
- What do I want to say?
- What do I want to ask?
Tip: If the answer is ‘I don’t know’, dare yourself to fill the line anyway. Then maybe the next. Give it a few minutes – because the flow takes turning the tap on.
Main Exercise:
Read your answer back to yourself. What visual images come up? Or what conversations between characters in your life?
- Draw one of the images.
- Write one of the conversations (the actual dialogue – what the characters say to each other/how they argue with each other!).