
“More confidence to be myself, more small acts of self care, finally doing things I’ve been saying I’ll do for years, setting and maintaining boundaries… since my coaching with you began I’ve felt spacious, excited, enthusiastic.”
– Kim, UK

I’m Rachel, a fiction and non-fiction author, lecturer and business and personal coach. I’m also the founder of The Writers’ Gym membership and podcast. There is nothing I love more (apart from writing) than supporting others to enhance, develop and celebrate their voice, whether that’s for art, work or life, on the page or out loud.

– Join my newsletter here –

My lifelong love of communication and performance began with acting and directing in theatres, schools, workplaces, charities and universities. It formed my fascination with perception and reality (leading to my PhD and to my PGCerts in Business and Personal Coaching with Barefoot and Teaching Creative Writing with Cambridge): how do the roles we play inform our identity? How much can our self-belief inhibit, or enhance, how we bring that self to our life, work and art?

“You are helping me think in new ways… helping in every area of life. I can’t tell you how much your help and encouragement mean to me.”
– Elspeth, Amersham

Alongside working with my clients – both in business and personal coaching and, for under-18s, LAMDA Exams – you’ll also find the themes of authenticity, identity and communication in my short story collections, Twisted Branches and  Beyond Glass,. Plus, of course, the stories I’ve contributed to anthologies such as British Fantasy Award-nominated Dreamland, Great British Horror 5 (Black Shuck Books) and Uncertainties Vol. 3 (Swan River Press). I’m also the author of Your Creative Writing Toolkit and  GCSE Drama Revision and Study Guide (Illuminate/Hodder) and write and present for magazines, Blu-ray extras and online series including Severin Films, Second Sight Films, Imprint Films, Starburst Magazine and Youtube, Writing Magazine, Jewish Renaissance and Indicator Films.

I bring all my knowledge and love of writing and speaking – and of how worthwhile the journey into creative confidence is for work and life – to every client relationship whether we’re together for a workshop, a course or a coaching session or programme.

To start the transformation you want to see in your professional and personal life, work and art,  join the Writers’ Gym, sign up to my newsletter, or book a session.