It’s a question, not a promise | Come and write this week (scroll down for calendar)
One of the technically unimportant things that is very, very important to me is eyeliner. It is not (again, technically) the source of all my powers. But I feel more me in it. I feel illustrated. I feel I’ve arrived in the day, the room, the moment. I feel ready.
Ready is one of those things we never quite feel, not for anything truly important at least, so perhaps a truer word here is presence. I feel more present when I feel illustrated.
We all have these things, and yours might be something else entirely. It may even be the opposite of mine. But something we can all offer ourselves is to acknowledge the power we have to move our focus from ‘But what does it say about me?’ to ‘What is it?’ I could tell myself make-up is unimportant and I ‘shouldn’t’ need it (see Shooting the Should Fairies) but what it gives me is important, and me honouring that is also important as it’s a way I invest in myself (and, by extension, everyone else in my life). It gives me what, in a different way, my equally beloved black coffee, the right music and ring-fenced writing time also give me: the power to be me, but more so. As such, the one resolution I’m making, today and every day, from this new year to the next, is not a promise but to keep asking myself a question: What can I give myself that allows me to be me, but more so?
Maybe make-up or black coffee don’t do that for you. But I’d love to hear what does. What are the things you can live without but live more fully with? And will you resolve to ask yourself what you can give yourself today so you can be even more fully you?
Join me this week:
The Writing Room | 11-1pm Mon 6 January
FREE for everyone on my mailing list (if you’re reading this, that’s you!). No expectations, no readings, just an open chat box and ten minutes’ (totally optional) chat together at the end. Click here.
Your Creative Writing Toolkit | 2-3.30pm, Tuesday 7 January
Based on my book of the same name, this is the first four Creative Writing Toolkit workshops solidifying the key skills of writing creatively – whether you’re focusing on fiction, memoir or any other genre or audience. Click here.
January Writing Workout | 6-7pm, Tuesday 7 January
Creative exercises, supportive discussion, specific tips and techniques for the writer you are. A guaranteed boost to your knowledge, enthusiasm, confidence and your word-count! Click here.
Realise Your Writing Resolutions | 6.30-8.30pm, Thursday 9 January
Don’t just make a commitment to your writing for Christmas and New Year: show it your love throughout 2025. If you’re ready to create more time with and space for your writing, and identify the places you and your writing want to go together, this is where to begin your strongest writing year yet. Click here.
Coffee & Creativity at Olympic Studios | 10am-11.30am, Friday 10 January
Grow your connections, build motivation and unlock inspiration in this creative networking event with a difference. “Dr Rachel’s gently powerful facilitation creating a space to turn curiosity into creativity, whether you’re building creative and professional writing skills, or writing a new chapter in your professional and personal life story.” Free to members of Olympic Studios, a select number of tickets available through Eventbrite: Click here.
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For personal training and creative confidence for life, work and art, email or visit