Green Ink Sponsored Write 2023: Aliya Whiteley & Katharine Orton

Aliya Whiteley

Hello! I write a lot of sci-fi, fantasy, horror and generally weird fiction, and a bit of non-fiction, and I really love stories that surprise the reader, and do unexpected things. I’m hoping to manage to do that during this sponsored write. I came across the sponsored write through Rachel’s social media, and I thought it was a brilliant idea – a way to try to help a charity that’s important to me, so I was very keen when a chance came to take part. I’m really looking forward to the writing day.

I can write to a deadline, and I can also procrastinate with the best of them! I think, once the clock starts ticking, it’ll motivate me to get as much down on paper as I can. I still write longhand for a first draft, so I’ll have to factor in time to type that up, or maybe try writing straight to screen for it, which will be interesting, and outside of my comfort zone! I wonder what I’ll end up with…

Paul Tremblay’s theme for this year, A Well of Strength, The Strength of Will is a great starting point. I am having a lot of thoughts about the prompt, and ideas are sparking, but I’m trying not to overthink it before we even get there! I’d like to leave something up to the moment. A bit of unpredictability usually gets the best results for me.

Katharine Orton

1) Hello! Tell us a bit about yourself, writing, and/or life outside writing?

Hi. I’m Katharine and I’m an author. I’ve written three books for children (Nevertell, Glassheart and Mountainfell) and have a couple of other projects in the works at the moment too. I live in Bristol with my husband, son and two young rescue cats, Stevie and Snorlax. Snorlax is a big, gentle giant, and Stevie likes to hunt our toes.

2) Many involved have personal connections with Macmillan Cancer Support. Do you want to share any experience of the charity’s work?

Macmillan go above and beyond to provide emotional support to people with cancer, as well as to their friends and families. But perhaps what’s under sung about them is that they also provide clear and relevant information. When you or someone you care about gets cancer it can be a baffling time, and sometimes you just want to know stuff but might feel scared or stupid asking. As someone who feels overwhelmed if I don’t know all the facts, or feel like I can’t ask, this is so reassuring.

3) What do you make of Paul Tremblay’s theme for this year, A Well of Strength/The Strength of Will?

It’s a theme that gives a lot of room for creativity! I think this year’s anthology is going to be the best yet 🙂